Saturday, December 13, 2008

hey there

I'm in Austria, not gonna blame the internet connection for the lack of updates, it's all me, I suck.
Been so tired after shredding really, going to bed at 10 and up at 7 every day, but it's been fun.
Tomorrow I'm heading out with Sani Alibabic and possibly Gigi Rüf for some fun times up in the mountain. I'm guessing we're gonna do tricks, snowboard tricks. Flo and Carlos are gonna do the shooting, those guys are good at shooting. I'll also try to take some pics with my fantastic cam phone, the one that takes really crappy and blurry pics, you know? I'm propably gonna forget all about it though, so don't get your hopes up.
Well anyways, I talked to my buddy Mario who has a really unhealthy relationship with Norwegian food. I promised him to do a blog update so I guess this it. This one counts right?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this one counts.

My fascination with Norway extends beyond just weather and women. Brown cheese and kaviar in your board bag, don't you forget it!

A Constant Study said...

Hslloisen Danny, Lurer på en ting, er det bildet i fri flyt og playboard fra fonna eller stryn? Litt varierande informasjon på bildet.. Og ang
ångåande norsk mat, sjekk ut bloggen min haha.

A Constant Study said...

Faaen Österrike höres bra ut, men eg har faktisk fått shredda superpow i Sogn og fjordane for förste gang på 10år, så skal ikkje klage. Bildet eg tenkte på er sekvensen av ssBs1 stale av deg i fri flyt, og cab7 av ståle sandbech i playboard..