Sunday, September 7, 2008

Drawing for Session.

I ride for an awesome shop in Norway called Session, not to be confused with the clothing company Sessions (there's an "S" making the two names quite different). They hook me up with stuff, shit and things, and usually drinks when we go to the bar. In short; a really nice bunch of guys/a bunch of really nice guys.
Since I like them so much I decided to draw them a drawing that would be nice as a sticker people could put places to show their support.

The grim reaper never goes out of fashion.

These are the instructions good ol' death gave me when I portrayed him:

"Black torn cape and a scythe this year too"
"Hair-do? Hmmm.... Keep it really fucking short, you can actually just trim it down to my skull"
"Put some scary session logo moon behind my head, that sets the mood for taking souls"

"Hey, designer dude, make my entire body spell out Session, that's grim and shit.."
"Is it kinda hard but still possible to read?"
- Yeah, kinda.
" Sweet!"

I think I'll call this drawing "Soul-reaping Session", 'cause to be honest with you, I enjoy harvesting souls.


Anonymous said...

Stilig. Du har eit talent der. Hadde gjort seg fint på t-skjorter eller klistremerker.

Unknown said...

tror kanskje du har lest engler og demoner et par ganger for mye eller? neida, finfin den der! hvis du er i beit etter ting å skrive i bloggen din kan du jo legge ut oppskriften av den drinken du kaller "dan-ickery". du burde vel legge til (for dine internasjonale venner) at det er samme drinken som heter "ass-hurts" hos bob saget, og "roofie colada" hos glenn quagmire. vet jeg har brent meg på den der et par ganger.